
My niece was born_我的侄女出生了英语作文100字

时间:2020-12-16 15:15:21 | 来源:啦啦作文网

The day before yesterday, my niece was born.We were all very happy about this. As we all know, the birth of a new life is very difficult. My sister-in-law chosed a caesarean section. After she gave birth, she still felt very painful. The process of giving birth is very painful. So it's not easy to write a new life single. My brother called my niece cola. It means that he hopes she can be very happy in the future. Cola has a brother before she was born. We gave him an alias which is called Little Lemon. We hope little lemon and cola can grow healthily.The best wish to all babies.

本文地址:My niece was born_我的侄女出生了英语作文100字https://www.pxwst.com/a/43673.html
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