
Our Weekend Plan_我们的周末计划英语作文100字

时间:2020-12-18 08:42:43 | 来源:啦啦作文网

Hello,I am Tom.I'm going to the science museum this weekend.

My father is going to the bookstore weekend. He is going to buy books.

My mother is going to the cinema weekend. She is going to see a film.

My sister is going to the park. She is going to do homework.

My brother is going to the science museum.He is going to study scientific problems.

My grandfather is going to the hospital.He's going for a checkup, because he doesn't feel well.

This is our weekend plans.It's great, isn't it?

本文地址:Our Weekend Plan_我们的周末计划英语作文100字https://www.pxwst.com/a/45729.html
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